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Support Dyslexic Students



What social need is addressed in this programme?


  • Grass-roots families’ frustration in supporting children with dyslexia 

According to studies by the Education Bureau and many others, around 10% of the primary students, i.e. about 16,000 in number, are diagnosed with dyslexia. It is often hereditary, yet early intervention is proven to have significant effect on enhancing learning abilities. Although parents might be aware of their children’s dyslexic symptoms, many are reluctant to seek professional help because of the considerable expense.


How can this programme help the needy?


  • Provide quality support to low-income families

Quality yet affordable services will be provided to the grassroots to help children overcome learning difficulties. The training programmes and parent-child events, designed and executed by social workers, educational psychologists, occupational therapists, art therapists and paired reading volunteers, do not only improve children’s learning abilities, but also enhance their hopefulness, confidence and relationship with their parents.


How can you help?


  • With your support, reading and writing become pleasurable again

For every HK$10,000 donation, you can offer four-month training to four dyslexic children and their families so that they can achieve their full potential without being hindered by the learning difficulties. 


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